Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Marin Hiking Sightems


Sunrise - Marin County  2020

Star Thistles - Marin County  2020

Top: Sunrise through the smoke and fog on the Roy's Redwoods trail.

Next: Star Thistle. The plant is an invasive pest in field crops, degrades native plant habitats and natural ecosystems, prevents the grazing of domestic animals in rangelands, and is a physical barrier to indigenous animal movement in wildlands. 


Curtis Faville said...

As our shrinking planet proceeds through its cross-fertilization and spreading stages, we'll see these waves of invasion and retreat, "plant wars" with victors and the vanquished.

We might have longed for the relative settled-ness of provincial isolation, but that's been ruined forever.

We're in a new Darwinian world of increasing strife and adaptation.

Mike Mundy said...

But, "Sometimes invasive species are good."