Wednesday, May 31, 2023

St. Ambrose

St. Ambrose Church - Los Angeles  2023

St. Ambrose School - Los Angeles  2023

Taken during a morning Fitbit walk. I went to school here in the olden days. Not my favorite place.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Chiaki's Journey / Hollywood Freeway

Flower Stand, Chiaki's Journey - Los Angeles  2023

Hollywood Freeway - Los Angeles  2023

Because I had to replace some lights in Pat's house I found myself driving down Santa Monica Blvd to a lighting store for replacements. I parked and walked back towards the store, crossing over the Hollywood Freeway in the process. Wow!

Chiaki's Journey is an anime series featuring Acura autos. I think.

Ramp Meter Ahead - Los Angeles  2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

Monday Cat Blogging

Sadie Under Chair - Los Angeles  2023

Sadie first made an appearance in 2018. Here she is under a dining room chair, afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains, with Mike's daypack in the back.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Backyard Sightems - 2

St. Francis - Los Angeles  2023

Rain Chain - Los Angeles  2023

The Franciscan Order is named for St. Francis who was born in Europe in the 12th century. Many people are aware of statues and paintings of him holding a bird or being surrounded by birds and other animals.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

L.A. Cars

Rolls Royce - Los Angeles  2023

Dodge - Los Angeles  2023

I'm not sure if that actually is a Dodge.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Backyard Sightems - 1

Air Plant - Los Angeles  2023

Cactus - Los Angeles  2023

Through the years I've taken quite a few photos in this LA backyard.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Back in Los Angeles

Hollywood - Los Angeles  2023

Bagel Broker Parking Lot - Los Angeles  2023

Top: Photo taken through the windshield while stopped in traffic on Highland Blvd.

Bottom: I've already posted a photo of The Bagel Broker's front. This is a shot from the store looking out at the parking lot.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Ridge Route / Grapevine Sightems

Dead Tree near Gorman - Los Angeles County  2023

Pyramid Lake - Los Angeles County  2023

As I recall, we always, in the olden days, referred to the highway 99 route from Los Angeles to Bakersfield as the Ridge Route. The route was upgraded to interstate highway five in 1970. Thenceforth I guess that it gradually became known as the Grapevine. I posted a photo of the lower section of the route in 2019.

From Wikipedia:

Pyramid Lake is a reservoir formed by Pyramid Dam on Piru Creek in the eastern San Emigdio Mountains, near Castaic, Southern California. It is a part of the West Branch California Aqueduct, which is a part of the California State Water Project. Its water is fed by the system after being pumped up from the San Joaquin Valley and through the Tehachapi Mountains.

Someday I'll have to drive down to the parking lot shown in the lower photo. Someday.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Highway Five South

Highway Five South - Stanislaus County  2023

Driving down to Los Angeles in April. Alas, the weather was not nearly as dramatic as it was earlier in the year

Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday Cow Blogging

Cows - Marin County  2023

Taken at my regular pull off spot in the San Geronimo Valley. There was one curious animal that noticed the photographer.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Winter Branches

Oak Branches - Marin County  2023

Branches - Marin County  2023

I pass by these scenes on a regular basis. Another shot was posted last year from almost the same spot.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Gas Station Bus

Gas Station Bus - Fresno County  2023

Taken during Mike's April trip down to Los Angeles. He somehow missed Harris Ranch! Must have been listening to a really engrossing podcast.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Daly City

Apartments (Daly  City) - San Mateo County  2023

Residences (Daly City) - San Mateo County  2023

The song "Little Boxes" was written by Malvina Reynolds after she saw the tract housing going up in Daly City.

The only other photo of Daly City on the blog is an aerial one taken on the way to Osaka.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

April Rain

Fairfax Lumber, Rain - Marin County  2023

Mailboxes, Rain - Marin County  2023

I'd been meaning to take more rain photographs . . . luckily the rain continued through April, when these iPhone pix were taken.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

March Parking Lots

Parking Lot - Marin County  2023

Parking Lot - Marin County  2023

Compare to earlier 2021 March Parking Lots in color. These are iPhone photos, top flowering trees one in Fairfax, bottom one in Corte Madera.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Do Not Enter - 1973

Do Not Enter - Pasadena  1973

Another 50 year old photo, already posted as a "from the archives" entry. 

From that earlier post: "As I was driving on the (very primitive) Arroyo Seco Freeway I came upon this scene at the freeway's end in Pasadena. I remember having to look for a parking spot and walking back with my Nikon F trying to find a vantage point from which to take the photograph."

Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday Hermit Thrush Blogging

Hermit Thrush (February) - Marin County  2023

Hermit Thrush (March) - Marin County  2023

Perched on our backyard fence. I think it knows its picture is being taken.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Taylor Park Sightems

Lagunitas Creek (SP Taylor Park) - Marin County  2023

Ferns (SP Taylor Park) - Marin County  2023

Hali and I and the grandkids drove over to SP Taylor Park last February for a nice walk, with some rain added in.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Condo Buildings

Condo Buildings (Fairfax) - Marin County  2023

Condo Building, Tree (Fairfax) - Marin County  2023

Cañon Village is a condominium development across the street. Our morning walks regularly wander through the pretty landscaping.

Top photo: iPhone 12

Bottom one: Nikon Z5.

Friday, May 12, 2023

February Skies

Branches, Clouds - Marin County  2023

Branches, Clouds - Marin County  2023

7:00 AM . . . different days.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Clouds - Black & White

Clouds, Hills - Marin County  2023

Clouds, Hills - Marin County  2023

Top photo taken in February, bottom one in March.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Redwoods, Sunrise Clouds

Redwoods, Clouds - Marin County  2023

Photo taken March 23. Nikon Z5.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Sunrise Clouds

Sunrise Clouds - Marin County  2023

Taken while on the trail behind White Hill School. Nikon Z5.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Horse Blogging

Horse - Marin County  2023

From last February . . . some fine rain had just started.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Stream (Seasonal)

Stream - Marin County  2023

Dry Streambed - Marin County  2023

It takes quite a bit of rain to cause the usually-dry streambeds to fill up with water. But we had quite a bit of rain recently. I had to use the rock as a stepping stone to continue on the trail.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Corolla XSE

Toyota Corolla XSE (Fairfax) - Marin County  2023

Nice lookin' Toyota Corolla hatchback XSE parked near our house. Peeking inside reveals that it's a stick shift! Wow!

Corolla Stick Shift - Marin County  2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Rain, Drake Blvd

Rain, Telephone Wires, Drake Blvd - Marin County  2023

After I've hiked over to the stables and checked out the horses I head over to Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Then the downhill walk back to the house.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Mitchell Drive, Rain

Mitchell Drive, Rain (Fairfax) - Marin County  2023

Mitchell Drive, Mt. Tamalpais (Fairfax) - Marin County  2023

Two early morning views taken on my regular walk.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Corte Madera Rain

Kids, Umbrellas (Corte Madera) - Marin County  2023

We were having lunch at Veggie Grill in Corte Madera when it started to rain. Windy as well, rain drops spattering on the windows looking outside.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Berkeley Rain / Union Pacific

Rain, Union Pacific Locomotive - Berkeley  2023

At Viks Chaat in Berkeley; the rain was really quite heavy. We were eating outside under a roofed dining area when I heard the diesel horns of the Union Pacific locomotive. Peeked around the corner to take this photo with my iPhone. 

I took a better Union Pacific photo in Utah.