Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday Deer Blogging

Deer (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Deer (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Photos taken in April and May of this year, during my weekly hike around Lake Lagunitas.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 6 (Summit)

Summit View (Mt. Agassiz) - Sierra Nevada  1974

Summit View (Mt. Agassiz) - Sierra Nevada  1974

Summit is 13,899 feet elevation. Luckily I was able to overcome the altitude-induced brain fog and take a few photos. For these 1974 shots I used a Nikon F SLR and Panatomic-X film.

The return trip was exhausting! (Our car got stuck on the side of the road: we had to get a ride into Mojave, then ride back in a Triple-A tow truck. Got back to Los Angeles super late!)

Mike, Summit (Mt. Agassiz) - Sierra Nevada  1974

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 5 (Approach)

Mt. Agassiz from Bishop Pass - Sierra Nevada  2007

Once Bishop Pass has been attained, the mountain looms above. This trip was led by an experienced guide, but on a later trip we just picked one of the chutes at random, and that worked out OK.

None of my 1974 photos had this view, so I'm using one that I took in 2007 using an Olympus DSLR.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 4 (Timberline)

Mountains, Clouds - Sierra Nevada  1974

Austere and somewhat eerie, the landscape above timberline.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 3 (Bishop Pass)

View from Bishop Pass - Sierra Nevada  1974

The trek up to Bishop Pass from the overnight camp below is quite strenuous! Then there's a left turn into a boulder field for the scramble to the top.

I've posted a 2007 photo of the Bishop Pass view

Also, I've camped up there in the past.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 2

Columbine - Sierra Nevada  1974

Pool - Sierra Nevada  1974

I would have been using a Nikon F SLR for the photos. Film was expensive! So there's not as many photos of the hike as I'd like.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mount Agassiz Climb (1974) - 1

Mt. Agassiz - Sierra Nevada  1974

Long Lake - Sierra Nevada  1974

I climbed Mount Agassiz twice in 1974! The first time (shown in this set of photos) was with the Sierra Club. The second time was with my brother as recalled in an earlier post.

To reach the summit one hikes up towards Bishop Pass, skirting around Long Lake (which I visited last year) and camps somewhat farther up the trail.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Bobcat Blogging

Bobcat Sighting Area - Marin County  2024

Mike finally saw a bobcat! Of course it was too fast for him to take a photo, even though Mike is an experienced wildlife photographer. Interesting that this was basically the same location where he got some nice photos of a curious coyote.

Just for fun: a quick cut and paste Photoshop job that approximates Mike's sighting:

Bobcat Added - Marin County  2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Graffiti - San Francisco  2024

Artist - San Francisco  2024

We parked in a lot just off Mission Street with the view, seen above, of an older hotel building covered in graffiti. Coming back from the restaurant we were able to observe an artist applying spray paint to the structure.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Blue Building / Restaurant

Blue Building - San Francisco  2024

Restaurant - San Francisco  2024

We ate an early dinner at Piglet & Co on Mission Street (featuring Hong Kong movies showing behind the bar.)

Food was good!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Alberto's Printing / Carousel

Alberto's Printing - San Francisco  2024

Carousel - San Francisco  2024

Photos taken with an iPhone 12 Pro Max. The software enhancements that Apple applies to iPhone photos seemed to work out well with these subjects.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mural, Pedestrians

Mural, Pedestrians - San Francisco  2024

Taken during a recent dining trip to San Francisco. Lots of intriguing subject matter!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lake, Reeds / Redwoods

Lake, Reeds, Reflections (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Sunlight on Redwood Branches (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Photos taken in May and June of this year.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Pine Branches, Mist, Lake

Pine Branches, Mist, Lake (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Photo taken with a Nikon Z7II / 24-200mm lens combo.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday Wood Duck Blogging

Wood Ducks (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

I saw my first Wood Duck couple back in March. Wonder if these are the same birds?

Nice poses, actually. Photo taken with an Olympus E-M1II and my trusty 14-150mm lens.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Lake Lagunitas (June) - Tree, Reflections / Hatch

Tree, Lake, Reflections (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

Tree, Spider Web, Hatch (Lake Lagunitas) - Marin County  2024

How to Match the Hatch: A Beginner's Guide to Fly Fishing Success

I didn't notice the spider web until I opened the file in Photoshop.