Phoebe, Pool - Marin County 2020 |
Phoebe, Pool Railing - Marin County 2020 |
I had spotted this phoebe (technically a Black Phoebe) down at the pool several times, but never had the requisite camera/lens combo with me. But this time I did! An Olympus E-M1II with a 75-300mm zoom lens. Higher noise level than I'd like, but acceptable.
"The Black Phoebe is a dapper flycatcher of the western U.S. with a sooty black body and crisp white belly. They sit in the open on low perches to scan for insects, often keeping up a running series of shrill chirps. . . . Look for them near any water source from small streams, to suburbs, all the way to the salt-sprayed rocks and cliffs of the Pacific Ocean."
I guess that the backyard pool can be considered a water source! (Actually, I've seen a phoebe catching bugs at Point Lobos.)