Thursday, November 6, 2014


Nasturtium and Fence, Fall - Marin County  2014

Serrano Pepper - Marin County  2014
Serrano Peppers - Marin County  2014

In our backyard in September - October.

Nasturtium in pot, fence.

Serrano peppers changing color, green to red.

Photos taken with an Olympus E-PL5, top two using a 12-50mm zoom lens, the bottom one with a 45mm prime lens.


Anonymous said...

Can I ask a rookie photography question: did you do anything to make the red "pop out" on the bottom shot of the Seranno peppers? Its incredible how alive that red is.

Mike Mundy said...


Nothing special . . . just a levels adjustment layer in Photoshop. The peppers were already quite red!