Mt Dana, Tioga Lake - Yosemite 2017 |
Compare to 2013 photo with better reflections and snow. Oh well.
The actual summit can be seen to the left of the photo. Mike climbed (hiked/scrambled up) Mt. Dana in 2000, coming face-to-face with a marmot at the top. From his journal:
"The views are actually somewhat unsettling: vast
incomprehensible panoramas of snow-capped mountains and the Mono Basin
as interpreted by an altitude-befogged brain. (The summit altitude is 13,050
ft.) The obligatory 'I Was There' photos are taken. Also proving to
be an excellent subject is the marmot that had raced to the top just ahead of
Mike and was doing backflips and handstands (almost!) in a vain effort to
divest him of some of his food. Mike eats a few left-over peanut M & M's,
has some water from his canteen, and the descent begins."
Marmot, Mt Dana Summit, Mono Lake - Yosemite 2000 |