Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Alpine Lake

Earlier that Saturday Mike had taken a photo of Mt. Tamalpais decorated with snow. Then, later in the day, Margaret, his sister-in-law, phoned to ask if he was up for a hike. Let's see: cold, overcast and raining . . . hmm, yeah, sure!

Mike stipulated that Margaret would drive to the trailhead, and so it came to be that─as she piloted her powerful Camry, navigating the curves of the Bolinas-Fairfax road, the aroma of her mint tea filling the car─the hills and ridges surrounding Mt. Tamalpais came into view, veiled in fog as in a Japanese sumi-e painting.

At the Cataract Falls trailhead at Alpine Lake little concentric circles formed by falling raindrops were clearly visible on the water.

Photo: Alpine Lake, Rain─Marin County, 2011

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