Monday, May 25, 2009

Hike ‘n Ride

Mike hikes, Hali rides: on Tuffy, of course.

A hot spring day meant an early start. Tuffy was slow going out, but quite fast coming back.

Stops for some of Mike’s favorite photo ops: a foreground fence with hills and redwoods, then H & T amongst the hills.

Last seen: a young deer scampering across the San Geronimo Golf Course.

Photos: Fence, Grass & Hills—Marin County, 2009; Hali & Tuffy—Marin County, 2009; Deer, Golf Course—Marin County, 2009


a blog by Kristine Skovli said...

Hi Mike,

We met at your photo stand at the Lakeshore market a couple of weeks ago. I just found your card in my bag, and thought I'd reach out :)

Nice blog :)
Here's mine-
I don't blog nearly as frequently as you though. u seem really good at taking your camera out to play ;)

keep doin it!


Mike Mundy said...

Kristine, hi!

Yes, I do take my camera out to play, although as Robert Frost once said:

"But yield who will to their separation,
My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation
As my two eyes make one in sight."