Thursday, May 14, 2009

. . . from the archives #42: Apples—Sierra Nevada, 1986

The first printing of Gary Snyder’s poem "Tree Song" took place in 1986. The letterpress broadside printing of the poem by Peter Koch formed one element of a "keepsake" presentation, the other elements being a specially printed envelope, a printed enclosure and a black and white photograph (Dogwood, Forest—Yosemite) by Michael Mundy. The combined project was presented to a combined meeting of the Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs in October, 1986.

James Linden, the publisher and energizing force behind this project, and I, the photographer, brought a number of letterpressed poems to Mr. Snyder’s residence in the Sierra foothills for his signature.

This was a while ago, you know: it follows that much has faded from memory. But I do remember Snyder’s cat, Ediza (named after Lake Ediza), an apple tree and some apples in a woven bowl.

Photos: Apples—Sierra Nevada, 1986

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