Steelhead Weather is the title of an evocative silkscreen print by Elton Bennett, which I have here appropriated. Steelhead, of course, are the amazing fish that frequent the streams of Marin County from December through April.
February, 2008 has come into the Bay Area very wet and windy, so it was only natural that Hali & I decided that yesterday afternoon, at the height of the storm, was the perfect time to take our horse, Tuffy, for a walk. (Yes, for a walk. Like a dog.)
Braving many perils, including a propane delivery truck that had the temerity to honk—yes, honk—at us, and a downed electrical wire (cable, by the looks of it) we made it through the stable past an outbuilding with wisps of smoke curling though the rain, down the street, up the grade towards the redwoods, and thence down in the gloom and the noise of rushing water, finally back to the safety and security of Dickson Ranch.
Hali led Tuffy for his walk, and Mike tagged along behind with a somewhat incongruous umbrella sheltering his E-510 for his steelhead weather photos.
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