This is Mike’s worst: coming down on a route composed of rickety rock, plowing through teetering slabs of unsteady shale. Now and then what looks like a trail appears, only to vanish after a bit (drainage patterns ?) And by now, his legs are basically shot: he slips and falls at least three or four times. (It's in all the mountaineering books: "Poor bloke—the bulk of his energy was utilised in the ascent, hardly anything was left for the descent.") After the worst of the rocks is over Mike teeters on down, slipping and sliding. Sometimes his legs do a little involuntary criss-cross. He consumes some Fritos and beer while overlooking the cloud-shadowed Tioga Road, and eventually reaches the trailhead at 3 PM.
Photo: Fritos & Beer—Sierra Nevada, 2000
Ah yes, the descent. The descent was also the most difficult part of our Highline trail hike in Glacier. We had used up most of our energy on the 7+ mile ascent, and then had continue down the 4mi descent on weak, wobbly and very sore legs/knees. Since there had been a forest fire on that side of the mountain, there was no relief from the direct sun....it felt like the desert. But at least we had a definite trail.
Glad you made it down in one piece. Cute photo, great view!
Yup. Coming down is often harder than going up!
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