Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gifts Versus Acquisitions

Sales at the Farmers Market have been, um, rather slow. And they promise to be even slower this weekend, given the weather forecast of rain and possibly hail.

Giving me time to do a little product analysis.

My new theory (or is it my new hypothesis?) is that the purchase of one of my photos can be almost always categorized as a personal acquisition. Very rarely has one been sold to be used as a gift. (Of course, I’ve had some photos used as gifts. Unusual, though.) I’m therefore wondering if acquisition-type art would sell better during Spring and Summer, when people are not thinking primarily about gift-purchasing. Under this idea, gift-type art would do better in Autumn and Winter.

Of course, some arts and crafts can fit under both categories. Nice!


Yes, I could do with a nice Vietnamese sandwich right about now.


In other biz-type issues, there’s a very interesting essay by Alain Briot at Luminous Landscape . . . here.

Photo: Vietnamese Sandwiches—San Francisco, 2008

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