Saturday, November 14, 2009

In the Realm of the Bristlecones

From the Owens Valley floor Mike travels east up into the high altitude world of the White Mountains, home of the famous Bristlecone Pines. The road traverses a dry sparse mountainous landscape, finally arriving at a grove of bristlecones. The temperature is in the low 30s with a stiff breeze blowing.

Mike spends some time hiking around the ancient trees, trying to concentrate on compositional and exposure issues, shivering all the while. He can’t help but admire the bristlecones’ obvious indifference to whatever the weather brings. The oldest tree here has been dated at 4,789 years old.

Photos: Bristlecone, Backlit—White Mountains, 2009; Bristlecone Roots—White Mountains, 2009

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