I’ve posted Pico shots before, but this is the east side of West Pico, if you know what I mean.
When I mentioned to Joe Grant that I was looking for some more black and white Hispanic-themed photos for my Muerte Con Queso project, he kindly drove me over to the area around Pico and Western for some pix.
The Tejate shot was taken out the window of his very cool Scion!
I kind of like that method . . . having someone drive you around while you snap pix out the passenger window.
Photos: Tejate—Los Angeles, 2009; Pollos El Brasero—Los Angeles, 2009
don't think anyone will be using this blog template!!
attempted to go to other "machine" - did not see your supposedly borrowed template ??
liked the scion mention.............pat
If you follow the link you will get to "Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog."
Whoever set up the blog used the same Blogger template as I did . . . same color scheme, same banner top.
Of course, I've tried to customize MY blog, with cool banner pix and such.
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