I visited the Silver Pavilion (Ginkaku-ji) in Japan back in the 60’s: I had routed myself through Japan as I returned to the U.S. from Okinawa.
I’ve posted one of my photos from that trip previously, here. (See below, as well.) Man Sweeping—Kyoto.
So it was that as Hali and I approached the entrance to Ginkaku-ji last year I suddenly halted, struck by the similarity between memory and reality as I came upon the same scene I had observed over 40 years ago.
But there wasn’t anyone sweeping! Keeping this in mind I continued to look for a man sweeping pix, finally finding one. I wonder if it's the same guy.

Photos: Ginkaku-ji Entrance—Kyoto, 2008; Man Sweeping—Kyoto, 2008; Man Sweeping—Kyoto, 1966
Intriguing post!
Hey Mike,
Thanks for your visit. I have to laugh tho, just at the moment you decided to ask for camera tech info about my most recent photo, I decided to post this photo from my wonderful archives from my lovely Canon Point-n-Shoot days! Ha! I was feeling a bit of the winter blues and haven't been out much because of the cold. I now use a Canon XSi with either a 18-55mm lens or my 55- 250mm lens. I'm fairly new to photography and the XSi is my first DSLR. I'm hoping to get out a bit more now that it's warming up here in Connecticut. It's fun to look at your photos, I was born in San Fran.
Yes, I've recently posted some of my first digital shots. To be honest, those first JPGs look just as good--on the web anyway--as my recent wonderful RAW files.
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