I’ll be at the Fairfax Festival this weekend displaying some pix. I have a map of the location, but it’s not too clear exactly where I’m to set up.
Hali and I set up the canopy (we’ve had it for a while) in the driveway weekend before last. After much debate we finally got it up, after a quick pdf download of the instructions from the manufacturer’s web site. I’ll have a table, some pegboard displays, a canvas bin and some plastic boxes. And a chair.
Alas, I am not equipped—at the present time—to do any live blogging from the festival.
Photo: Canopy—Marin County, 2008
I hope the festival-goers appreciate your work and want to purchase many pieces for home viewing. Your first festival outing should be a good one, encouraging and fun, then home to a refreshing beverage and a good sleep.
I could be wrong, but I do believe that the festival itself will be dispensing refreshing beverages.
If you know what I mean, and I think that you do know what I mean.
Ah, then that will be a very good festival.
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