Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Poison Oak


Poison Oak - Marin County  2020

Poison Oak Leaves - Marin County  2020

Interesting Fall colors.


Curtis Faville said...

I went photographing above Garrapata once, with my 8x10. There was a narrow path right off the road, which went up a little rise with a nice overlook to the shore below. I put my wood tripod down, and exposed a couple of negatives. When I was putting my tripod up, I noticed what I mistakenly thought was manzanita low to the ground. My wrists felt kind of funny. That night, sleeping in my Six-Pac, I awoke covered with sores. I went directly home the next day, and was down with a good case of poison oak for a month. Worst case I ever had.

Mike Mundy said...

Whoa . . . a month! So far my caution has paid off. Or my luck. Probably both.