Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday Mantis Blogging


Mantis, Fountain - Marin County  2020

Mantis - Marin County  2020

This creature was standing on our courtyard fountain; it was a little startled when I turned the water on, but stood its ground.

As I moved in closer it was a little disconcerting to observe it turn and stare directly at me. Whoa. If these things were even just slightly bigger they could probably do some serious damage.


judit said...

If they were any bigger someone would make a movie about them. Runnnnn!

p.s. thanks for all of the beauty you're bringing to the screen - we need it always, but even more these days.

Curtis Faville said...

We don't see these Praying Mantises much in the Bay Area. They do look disconcerting, but then
they are carnivores.

I was lucky to discover just this last year, a couple of genuine Walking Stick bugs on my front gate.
I lived for 72 years before seeing one in real time.

Mike Mundy said...

"In the South Seas, a volcano explodes, eventually causing North Pole icebergs to shift. Below the melting polar ice caps, a 200-foot-long praying mantis, trapped in the ice for millions of years, begins to stir." Yikes!

MST said...

yikes! ...hope of surviving the mammoth mantis is fading until Will Smith recognizes that it is really Dennis Rodman disguised as an alien insect.

p.s. Kudos to Curtis for noticing the walking stick bugs. I bet it is easy to see them without realizing that they are bugs not sticks.

Mike Mundy said...

Wow . . . great elevator pitch! Will forward to Netflix.
