Saturday, September 7, 2019

Trail Details

Tree Trunk - Sierra Nevada  2019

Pine Needles, Cones - Sierra Nevada  2019

I couldn't pass the dead tree by without taking a photo . . . it's the law.

And then, a quicky forest detail shot after removing a few twigs from the scene.


Curtis Faville said...


Have you ever been challenged by a park authority about photo-taking?

I don't recall if we've discussed this before, but I've had a couple of nasty interactions with park rangers, who
believed that I had to have permission and a "license" (??) to take "commercial" shots in park jurisdiction.

Mike Mundy said...

But that was probably because you were using your big view camera and an equally big tripod. All of which says "professional" to the outsider.

I haven't had any issues with park rangers, but rather from just ordinary people who have been affected by the pervasive paranoia of our times.