Friday, March 3, 2017


City View (Nakatsugawa) - Japan  2016

Cemetery (Nakatsugawa) - Japan  2016

We wanted to stay in Nakatsugawa 'cause we could then go early Sunday morning to Magome for a highly recommended hike.

Once again, we were staying at a place that was definitely not our first choice: the Hotel Route-Inn. Really a business hotel. Mattresses were incredibly hard, but breakfast was good. Also some interesting views out of our upper-floor windows. These views were from Dan's room, which unaccountably had the best ones.

That night's dinner was at one of the only places within walking distance: KFC. Don't think that I'm going to include that experience in the "Japan Culinary Adventure" series, though.

KFC Interior (Nakatsugawa) - Japan  2016

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