3 November 1964 - North Carolina 1964 |
Who among us can say, with any degree of certainty, exactly
what they were doing on this date 50 years ago?
Well, maybe some can . . . and maybe there are some that
weren't even born 50 years ago.
Anyway, as it so happens (as it was meant to happen) Mike
has documentary evidence of what he was doing on November 3, 1964. Yes, he was
kneeling on the grass outside some barracks in Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
getting a first-hand look at the capabilities of a psychological warfare unit.
And not unlike Marcel Proust's childhood memories of
madeleines, Mike's Fort
Bragg memories are
confined to tastes: Fanta soda and hoagies.
(The next stop on Mike's Army tour was Fort Carson, Colorado.
Then, Okinawa.)