In 1984 I attended a photographic workshop at the Asilomar Conference Center in Carmel; it had been organized by the Friends of Photography. I remember presentations being given by John Sexton and Huntington Witherall, and traveling to Morley Baer’s house for a little inspirational talk by Mr. Baer.
Most of what was presented dealt with (of course) traditional black and white printing. We also had our portfolios critiqued, which turned out to be of limited utility (to me anyway.)
And I also remember quite clearly the large tubs of iced bottles of beer each evening. I feel that this, more than anything, added greatly to my grasp of the material being presented.
We were able to visit Ansel Adams’ house. Mr. Adams had just passed away in April; his wife, Virginia, was living there and was there to greet us. I had along a small 35mm camera with some high-speed film for flashless photographs, taking this picture of Adams’ piano and decorative objects. Notice the photographs and posters in back.
I wouldn’t mind attending another (digital) workshop in the future, but I need to spend my limited funds on equipment and supplies at this time.
Photo: Ansel Adams' Piano—Carmel, 1984
1 comment:
For Ansel Adams' mantel, see here.
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