Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rehearsal Dinner

Very clever . . . a take-out buffet at Spencer Beach State Park.

Mike was charged with picking up the goodies in the small inland town of Waimea. Now Waimea is located at 2669 feet: when Mike arrived rain was starting to fall and a stiff wind was blowing. Soon the temperature started to drop.

Mike picked up the cakes at Leilani Bakery. He got matches, fruit salad, ice, duct tape and poke at the Foodland Market. Thence to L&L Hawaiian Barbecue for a tetris-like experience at cramming in all of the to-go orders into Mike’s small rental car.

When Mike left Waimea at 6:00 PM the temperature was 68°. As he descended the winding road towards the ocean the temperature began to gradually rise; by the time he turned into the Spencer Beach parking lot it was over 80°.

Above photo illustrates Margaret lighting Amy’s birthday candles (part of the festivities), as well as the assembled guests and the abundant food on hand.

Photo: Margaret Lighting Candles—Hawai’i, 2007

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