Not that they’re that elusive. They’re there, even as you enter the park—mysterious white dots deep in the woods, and then, up close, creamy, perfectly-formed blossoms festooning otherwise anonymous little trees.
We’ve all seen Ansel Adams’s photographs, of course. (Here, and here.) And somehow it’s come to pass that we’ve all become compelled to take our own dogwood pix.
The problem is that the dogwoods are scattered here and there . . . the taking of dogwood pix comes to take on the characteristics of a treasure hunt, with the pefect dogwood photograph symbolizing, um, symbolizing . . .
Well anyway. First: up to Mirror Lake alongside Tenaya Creek. Second: over to Camp Curry to wander throughout the cabins. Third: check out the vicinity of the Ahwanee Hotel. Humph. Nothing there. Fourth: the Yosemite Lodge area. Plenty there. Even a shot of dogwood with Yosemite Falls in the background. Fifth: Walk over to the Happy Isles in hope of dogwood happiness. Sixth: when hiking or driving throughout the park, be ready at any moment to drop all planned activities to concentrate on dogwoods.
Only in this way will you become enlightened.
Photos: Dogwood & Forest—Yosemite, 2008; Dogwood Blossoms—Yosemite, 2008; Dogwood & Yosemite Falls—Yosemite, 2008
I prefer your "enlightened" dogwood pictures to those of Mr A.
His first seems very posed and in the second the dogwood feels unclear.
I like your accessories to the dogwoods, the falls, the forest trees, the closeup. Just a thought............p
I think that the first AA dogwood pix WAS posed. Huh!
Like I said, it was the Great Dogwood Treasure Hunt!
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