After leaving @home cafe we took the train to the Ikebukuro station, got off and headed for Sunshine 60 (at one time Japan’s tallest building.) Our prior research had convinced us that here was the place for gourmet gyoza. After some directional issues—the object of our search being Gyoza Stadium—we finally ended up in, tah-dah, Namja Town!
Namja Town is apparently an indoor "theme park" with games and such-like. The Namja Town cat mascot is somewhat odd-looking, though I thought that the bow tie was a nice touch. So anyway, located within Namja Town is Gyoza Stadium, a collection of shops selling gyoza (pot stickers.) We didn’t know that you had to pay an admission fee to get in. At least we got a souvenir ticket.

In retrospect, maybe there actually were places with gourmet gyoza there. Unfortunately, by the time we had located this . . . ah, unusual place, we were starting to get really hungry. So we ended up eating somewhere chosen at random.
But the gyoza was good! I know that I ate a lot. Also, the combination of the maid cafe and Namja Town made for a very special experience.
Afterwards we split up, Hali, Maz and Shawna off to take a sushi class, and myself taking the Yamanote Line to Shinbashi for pix.
Photo: Namja Town Mascot—Tokyo, 2008
Scan: Namja Town Admission Ticket