View from Bus - Japan 2024 |
Bus in Tunnel - Japan 2024 |
"Kamikōchi (上高地, Upper Highlands) is a remote mountainous highland valley within the Hida Mountains range, in the western region of Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
"It has been preserved in its natural state within Chūbu-Sangaku National Park. It is designated as one of Japan's National Cultural Assets, on the list of Special Natural Monuments and Special Places of Scenic Beauty. It is sometimes referred to as the 'Japanese Yosemite Valley,' although it is considerably smaller than its Californian counterpart."
After arriving in Takayama after our Tanekura excursion we wandered around the town and ended up having dinner at a nice Hida beef restaurant. But most importantly, we purchased tickets for the next day's 7AM bus to Kamikochi, which had been on our to-do list for quite some time.
Even though we got to the bus depot early there was already a surprisingly long line waiting to board. Luckily, a second bus soon appeared and we got on. We transferred to a dedicated park bus and after a short ride got off at Taisho Pond.
Hiking Down to Taisho Pond (Kamikochi) - Japan 2024 |